iKegger vs Other Mini Kegs: What Makes A Good Mini Keg System?
So. You like the idea of having your favourite drink on tap from a mini keg, but want to know what makes one mini keg better than another?
Let's Dive Right In With Things You Don't Want:
- Taps that stick shut and grow mould / bacteria inside them.
- Kegs that have to be kept upright in your fridge, so you have to remove shelves to be able to fit them.
- Gas regulators that are dangerous, potentially causing injury with no-one to get compensation from.
- Regulators that simply don't work, leaving you with flat & lifeless or frustratingly foamy drinks.
- Taps that constantly get bumped, spilling drinks everywhere, or ones that just drip all the time.
- Paying your hard-earned dollars for a system that is limited to only one type of drink.
- Being stuck using only one gas source with your keg, making it expensive & inconvienient to use daily.
There are now hundreds of companies selling mini kegs systems that all look kind of similar, but have different price tags.
Let's look at the physical differences and whether they are worth the price difference.
Non-removable tap and regulator. Brumby style chrome tap.
Fake image, non-removable tap & regulator. Brumby style tap.
No gas bulb, upside down regulator, non-removable tap and regulator.
Same images used by different companies, with the same mistakes.
Is it worth paying more for an iKegger or just getting the cheapest option you can find?
It used to be that there was only iKegger, because they developed the original mini keg systems back in 2014-15 but since then hundreds of copy-cat companies and products have popped up.
Why are they cheaper and what is the difference between the budget copy-cats and iKegger?
Let's just start by saying that mini kegs are the iKegger founders passion, it's as simple as that. No one else on the planet knows mini kegs like Oner & David, the 2 friends who started iKegger, do.
We designed the original iKegger in 2015 and have used them every day ourselves since then. Over the 9 years since the original, we've expanded it's capabilities and performance using our 1st hand knowledge, combined with the feedback of over 40,000 customers. That is what made the iKegger 2.0 the easy-to-use, robust, compact, and versatile device that it is today.
We know that there are cheap imitations out there that look similar to our products, but that's like saying an iPhone 12 looks like a Nokia 5110. Yeah, they have a similar shape and similar basic functions but that's where it ends.
So let's breakdown how mini kegs work so that you can recognise the features in copycat kegs which will just be annoying vs those which will actually make it dangerous if you decide to spend your hard-earned cash on one.
A couple of quick things to look out for that will ensure you are buying from someone who has no idea how a mini keg works.
- No real pictures or videos of it in use. Most of these copycat companies have never even opened the box so they use VERY fake pictures of the keg with drinks beside it or in situations like camping.
- Instructions with incorrect steps, bad translations or sequences of images that don't make sense. If they don't know that you need to have a gas bulb in the regulator to pour a drink, or that if the regulator is upside down lwith a bulb screwed in iquid CO2 will possibly do irrervsible damage to it, they really have no idea how the system works and just sell a $2 regualtor they can replace everytime someone complains.
Let's start from the most dangerous and go through to just frustrating
- Lack of gas safety features - regulators without vent holes, serial numbers, or pressure release valves. These can cause explosions and serious injury. No exaggeration, we had one we were testing go off like a rocket and punch through a wall with a SodaStream bottle attached. Without a serial number there is no way to track if there is an issue with a particular batch.
- Un-passivated kegs - these will react with liquids and at best cause a very unpleasant metallic taste to develop within a day or two of having the drink in the keg. At worst they can rust insdie and out. (Yes, un-passivated stainless steel can rust, it has iron content at various levels depending on the grade of stainless steel).
We've tested them all (most come from one of 2 factories in China, often using the same photos and flawed instructions and just changing the brand name) and unfortunately, you won't easily see what the differences are without having what to look out for pointed out to you. Nor will you know which differences are a mere inconvenience (like having to check 20 different joins for gas leaks each time) vs potentially dangerous (like regulators without safety features), until you part with your hard-earned cash for one, unless you continue reading below
What is the iKegger difference?
Brands selling copycat iKeggers do so by slapping together cheap parts that look similar to our products, but 90% of the people selling them have never used the kit themselves, let alone spent hundreds of hours testing the difference that a 0.5mm wider spout or a 5psi stronger spring has on a beer pour, or a cocktails foam retention.
A quick check is to look at the images they use on their website, amazon or ebay.
I can tell you right now that they will have stock pictures of glasses of beer (or images stolen from our website) with their keg picture stuck onto it.
the image of the keg you will rarely see genuine pictures or video of it pouring. In those rare cases where they have them, videos showing pouring will be only a few seconds long and not show how the glass ends up, just the seconds before it turns into a frothy mess.
Unfortunately, the purchaser also doesn't understand what is missing as their frustration grows with being unable to pour a pint properly, or keep a drink bubbly, etc.
for the customer they don't understand the differecnes until after they start using it and realise how many issues they have. Then they either throw it in the cupboard and think all mini kegs are a waste of time, or they come to us wishing they had bought well and bought once.
We know because we've tested them all ourselves and we almost guarantee that if you buy a knock-off at least one of these things will happen:
- The gas regulator will not stay at a steady pressure, you will need to constantly adjust it, and will end up with either flat or over-carbonated drinks.
- The keg will not have been passivated and if you leave a drink in it for more than a day it will end up tasting horrible & metallic.
- The tap will never stop dripping, or it will stick shut and have to be removed and cleaned out before you can pour another drink.
- The tap system will be held together with a whole bunch of adapters and joiners, all of which are sites for potential gas leaks and dripping.
- You will be unable to remove the tap or regulator to transport the keg or to store it in the fridge. It will take up twice the space because of this and you will be continuously bumping the tap and causing a mess in your fridge, car, or on your mate's carpet.
Non-Removable Taps & Regulators: Wasting Space In Fridge Or Esky
Copy-Cat Mini Keg Brands
- Use the most basic screw on connections without valves in them because it's the cheapest method.
- You have to keep the keg upright at all times to prevent liquid getting into the regulator and damaging it.
- You will have to remove the shelves in your fridge to store it upright.
- If you try to remove the tap or regulator before the keg is empty (like to clean a tap that's stuck closed) you will lose all your gas (wasting money and getting flat drinks).
- You'll also contantly bump the tap and spill drinks when moving your keg around, guaranteed.
iKegger 1.0 Mini Keg System
- Has connections for the tap and regulator that allow instant connection and disconnection at any point thanks to valves that prevent gas or liquid escaping.
- This means you can remove them at any point to store your keg lying down in the fridge, then reconnect them when you take it out to pour a drink.
- Unlike any other system that does include valves (there are some out there that copied our later models instead of earlier ones) other mini keg of this style, it includes a custom made adapter to allow you to pour drinks with the keg lying down, although it makes for a bulky and unwieldy package that needs a deep fridge to fit it.
iKegger 2.0 Mini Keg System
- The iKegger 2.0 tap system was designed from day 1 to allow it ot be used with the keg upright on the table, or lying down from the fridge while taking up the minimum possible space.
- The regulator and tap spout are both removeable meaning the keg with tap system attached is only slightly bigger than with a screw cap.
- However a one-way valve is included with the regulator so no liquid can enter it while gas is going into the keg to allow it to be used without any problem lying down.
- With a simple twist of the tap spout it can be used in the lying down position without changing anything.
Brumby Taps: Grow Mould, Stick Shut & Have No Flow Control
Copy-Cat Mini Keg Brands
People see mini keg taps that look like ones in pubs and so think they are a good option. A mini keg is very different to a professionally maintained pub system!
Cheap mini kegs use chrome and brass Brumby style taps like the one pictured here.
- Similar looking ones used in pubs are made from stainless steel have a fitting that allows them to be removed and cleaned daily.
- These allow air inside them when turned off so the liquid drains out.
- The inside of the tap dries out and becomes sticky. Often the tap will get stuck closed if left for more than 24 hours without cleaning, and will grow mould inside within a couple of days.
- The chrome coating comes off leaving them looking dull and patchy.
- The brass internal surfaces are rough, which causes foam when pouring beer and increases places where mould can grow. Yum!
iKegger 1.0 Mini Keg System
Better mini kegs use stainless steel taps that seal at the front.
- The tap remains full of liquid when turned off so it doesn't get sticky or grow mould as there is no air inside.
- These taps will be connected to the keg with a valve that allows you to remove it.
- The tap will have a way to control the flow
iKegger 2.0 Mini Keg System
- The iKegger 2.0 tap system was designed from day 1 to allow it ot be used with the keg upright on the table, or lying down from the fridge while taking up the minimum possible space.
- The regulator and tap spout are both removeable meaning the keg with tap system attached is only slightly bigger than with a screw cap.
- However a one-way valve is included with the regulator so no liquid can enter it while gas is going into the keg to allow it to be used without any problem lying down.
- With a simple twist of the tap spout it can be used in the lying down position without changing anything.
Gas Regulators: Dangerous At Worst or Just Frustrating At Best
Copy-Cat Mini Keg Brands
- Use the most basic screw on connections without valves in them because it's the cheapest method.
- You have to keep the keg upright at all times to prevent liquid getting into the regulator and damaging it.
- You will have to remove the shelves in your fridge to store it upright.
- If you try to remove the tap or regulator before the keg is empty (like to clean a tap that's stuck closed) you will lose all your gas (wasting money and getting flat drinks).
- You'll also contantly bump the tap and spill drinks when moving your keg around, guaranteed.
iKegger 1.0 Mini Keg System
- Has connections for the tap and regulator that allow instant connection and disconnection at any point thanks to valves that prevent gas or liquid escaping.
- This means you can remove them at any point to store your keg lying down in the fridge, then reconnect them when you take it out to pour a drink.
- Unlike any other system that does include valves (there are some out there that copied our later models instead of earlier ones) other mini keg of this style, it includes a custom made adapter to allow you to pour drinks with the keg lying down, although it makes for a bulky and unwieldy package that needs a deep fridge to fit it.
iKegger 2.0 Mini Keg System
- The iKegger 2.0 tap system was designed from day 1 to allow it ot be used with the keg upright on the table, or lying down from the fridge while taking up the minimum possible space.
- The regulator and tap spout are both removeable meaning the keg with tap system attached is only slightly bigger than with a screw cap.
- However a one-way valve is included with the regulator so no liquid can enter it while gas is going into the keg to allow it to be used without any problem lying down.
- With a simple twist of the tap spout it can be used in the lying down position without changing anything.
The iKegger range has been continuously improved using 9 years of R&D and 40,000 customers feedback. No company on earth has more experience or passion when it comes to mini kegs.
The 1st iKegger System (2015)
You'll notice the original iKegger mini keg has all the things we've warned about above!
- It was the 1st system we designed, and we only ever made 1 batch of them.
- It had a brumby style tap that couldn't be removed.
- It had a barrel style, aluminium regulator that wasn't accurate enough for getting consistent levels of carbonation or foam, but was the best of the hundreds we tested prior to launching.
- This was because of all the things we learned immediately when we started using them regularly, and talking to our customers about their experiences with them.
- This system has been widely copied and sold by companies ever since who don't care if it works well or not. They just know that they can get them cheap from copycat chinese manufacturers.
The 2nd iKegger System (2016)
We drastically improved the 1st model with a detachable tap and high quality regulator.
- We combined components already used in homebrew keg systems with some custom made adapters and connections.
- We worked with manufacturers to design a vastly improved regulator that was as accurate and reliable as any full size ones on the market. It had a safety burst valve and we printed serial numbers on each to track any batch issues in manufacturing.
- It did the job well, but didn't look as sleek as what we wanted, and the tap was still a brumby style one although made of stainless and with a smooth internal surface for non-foamy pouring.
- Again many companies have copied this design but use cheap and nasty regulators that will nd up pouring foam or flat drinks more often than not.
The 1st iKegger Nitro System (2017)
We began testing with nitro stout then experimenting with nitro coffee and cocktails.
- There wasn't a mini regulator that could deal with nitrogen pressure so we began work on one but in the meantime this system simply injected a whole bulb at once in the same way a cream whipper gun does.
- This worked well for nitro coffee but wasn't ideal for espresso martinis as the pressure in the keg changed as you poured the drinks, meaning the foam level was inconsistent and hard to create recipes for.
- This is also when we started using forward sealing taps, that don't dry out and get mouldy inside / stick shut.
- This is also the year we released 4L insulated kegs and 5L single wall kegs.
- In 2018 after a lot of trial and error in manufacturing we released the first 5L double-wall vacuum insulated kegs.
The iKegger 1.0 (2018-Current)
This was actually a series of improvements over years of testing that resulted in a package we ended up calling the iKegger 1.0, after we developed the 2.0.
- The tap became a full stainless steel, forward sealing tap with flow control lever. We tested ones from Perlick, Intertap and Nukatap along with others but ended up making our own due to various issues with them all (bad threads, plastic internal parts, drips and leaks etc).
- We developed a right angle steel connection so the system looked a lot sleeker (and we were confident enough of those to give them a 5 yr warranty).
- We later added a straight adapter for the tap, a one way valve for the regulator and a weight for the diptube so the keg could be used lying down.
- We also inlcuded a stout spout for the tap and made it possible to switch from the CO2 regulator to the nitro injector on the same system.
- This gave the iKegger 1.0 most of the features we'd been working towards for years but even though we supplied the tool to swap between CO2 & Nitro setups we wanted it be be simpler and easier.
The USB iKegger Tap (2022-2024)
This was a very popular tap and by far the simplest to use. Just push the button and it pumped air into the keg to push out your drink. No regulator, no tap, no gas bulbs.
- But it had some issues and didn't live up to the quality we expect of our products. We ended up stopping production till we can improve the design.
- While we said that you shouldn't immerse the tap in water (it had a battery, pump, circuit boards etc in it) it's hard to expect a tap not to get liquid spilled onto it and this caused corrosion internally.
- Also when using sticky drinks like juices and sodas if the liquid ran down the button stem it could cause it to start getting stuck, a problem we didn't want to go back to having again!
- It was very popular though and we found that our range of customers grew a lot (from almost 100% 35+ year old men drinking beer, to a whole range of people using it for cold brew coffee, cocktails, teas and all sorts of experiments as well as beer.
- It was also perfect for events where people would be pouring their own drink with no practise or instruction, so it needed to be intuitive.
The iKegger 2.0 (2023-Current)
This was the culmination of all our previous products. We took all the things we had on our wish list and designed a completely new tap system from scratch. Then ran a pre-sale launch on Kickstarter to get the inital funding to start manufacturing. It hit 10x the goal, raising $250k in 3 weeks.
- It removed nearly all the adapters, joins and issues with traditional style taps and replaced them with a push button that allows you to vary the flow speed depending on how hard you press. Super intuitive and easy to master.
- It's designed to pour and store both vertically and horizontally by simply twisting the spout on the tap.
- The tap has it's internal cavity inside the keg, so there is no sticking, or mould or bacteria growth.
- The tap haas been tested for hundreds of hours with every drink we could think of so that it both pours beer without foaming, and espresso martinis with perfect foam.
- The regulator can use both CO2 and nitrogen gas bulbs, as well as virtually any other gas bottles up to full size ones you'd get at a pub.
- It fits any of our kegs from 2L up to 10L meaning you can use it for 2L of cocktails or coffee one day, then 10L of beer for a weekend away.
- The spout and regulator can be removed if needed and the whole system completely integrates with existing kegerators, home bars and homebrewing gear.